SEO Myths Buster of 2014

Rushik Shah User Icon By: Rushik Shah

SEO Myths Buster of 2014

If there is one thing that is constant about SEO then it is change. The search engines tend to change their search algorithms quite often and that directly affects the process of SEO. Thus when search engines make changes then some SEO techniques are no longer effective and it is likely that more importance is given to something new altogether. At times it also happens that an existing SEO trend suddenly becomes more popular. All this leads to the spread of roomers, which can be quite bad since then you are not sure what to believe in terms of the effectiveness of a specific technique.

There were several changes introduced getting into 2014 and thus many myths have been floating around, one popular one being that “Link Building is Dead”. That is exactly what I have addressed in this article. It helps you confirm you beliefs on the true state of link building, content marketing, social media to name a few. Here is a brief of myths:

Link Building is Dead:

Historically link building has been very popular amongst SEO teams. In fact there was a time when building large amounts of anchor text links was considered the best thing ever as far as the SEO of a website was concerned.

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This included a lot of low quality link building methods besides other techniques. But things have changed and this is something that is not going to work now. The several recent updates all point towards one direction and that is that the hard links are good while the easy ones won’t do you and good. A good link builder would have guessed what I am hinting at by now and it that good quality links means a lot of hard work and they are the ones that matter.

The state of link building was quite good at one point of time. The following is a list of what link building meant at some stage long ago:

Directory Submissions:  This has been decreasing in popularity with Google since a while and it has finally come of age. In general Google has banned directories of all types and thus listing your website in a directory will not help the ranking in any way.

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That said a few good quality directory lists have found to be effective. Thus if you do attempt for directory submission make sure you do a quick quality review of your own. The quick and easy way of doing that is simply checking if the page is indexed on Google.

Reciprocal and 3 way links: Reciprocal links were big too at one point in time since they are easy for a search engine to discover. However your existing could very well be low quality links and hence are more or less not effective. The 3 way links have been the worst affected since special neighbourhood were created for the sole purpose of 3 way linking.

Buying Links:  There are many websites on the World Wide Web that offer to place your links in their articles at a price. However the likely hood of your link ending up a relevant page are pretty slim. The deal with paid links is that Google may not even detect the links or might not know they were paid for.

Social Profile Creation: This has become quite popular too and it still is fine to place a link in the profiles of the sites where you are still an active member. But it is best to stay within limits while placing links.

Article Directories:  Article directories is one of the most popular source for good links. Thus all most everyone was writing articles with approximately 300- 500 words, or even getting some to do it for them and submitting their articles to many different directories. But this was being greatly abused and Google has noticed this over the years. As a result we have now come to a state where duplicate content or content that been written for the sole purpose of placing keywords (low quality content) is now being penalized. Publishing good quality content in Article Directories is still on however it is important to maintain high quality articles.

You will be glad to know that link building is not dead all together though. The risks of link building have increased and it could very well mean trouble for many. However it is not possible to survive in this competitive world without some form of link building. Hence you need to be more tactical and smarter while link building. A few popular techniques that are trending are listed below:

  • Internal Linking
  • Sponsorships
  • Guest Posts
  • Infographics
  • Great Content

Content Marketing is in and SEO is out:

This is one of the most talked about shift in world of Search Engine Optimization or on how to get your website a better ranking. However it is also one of the myths that does not hold water. It is a way of thinking that is being followed by some very misguided individuals and there happens to be no truth to this matter.

The fact of the matter is that Content Marketing has been around for decades. In the past content has helped website tremendously and has boosted their ranking in an unbelievably good way. But unfortunately there were also those (in fact many) who took advantage of this and created content with the sole aim of getting a good rank. With the Internet now being flooded with very poor quality content with no real value or a user seeking information Google finally decided to draw the line. The search algorithms were modified and became more aggressive forcing a change in the trend to write content with the sole purpose being for a good rank.

The people thus began to adapt to this change by creating new content that met the new standards. This meant more time was spent on content creation and marketing and at the same time more resources were devoted to this too. All these factors lead in to some people believing that Content Marketing was the new SEO when the truth is something quite the opposite.

Google thus began to detect bad quality content, especially content with long tail keywords which were specially optimised for blog posting. They have begun to give more importance to good quality content that is useful to the readers and also worth sharing.

Google ranking is solely about links:

This is another one of the Google strategy that is grossly misunderstood. While this is true to some extent and Google does make use of links for the page ranking, it is not the sole factor. There are numerous other factors taken into consideration before placing the website or page at top rank for a given search query.

Using keywords in anchor text is good:

It is important to make a note of the fact that using keywords in anchor text will never make any difference to improve the ranking. It can however damage the ranking if the search engine penalizes you over this issue.

Google Authorship helps:

There is no concrete evidence that can helps us figure out that Google Authorship benefits SEO.

Lots of internal links are good:

This is way off course because when it comes to making internal links, the lesser the links the better. This is in fact second nature to people like web designers how would never make a page with loads of internals links.

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The reason being that this is not only hard to use a page with so many links it is also not aesthetic.


When it comes to working on a website with the sole aim to get it a good ranking most of us are looking for the easiest and quickest methods to make it happen. With the sole aim the SEO team being to get a given website top amongst the millions out there; they begin to do some reverse engineering and draw out a strategy so that they can make the best possible sues of their resources. This kind of approach may have worked in the past but it is certainly not the way forward. Thus it now becomes very important to be fully aware of the new developments and choosing the best SEO Monthly Services Packages with the Alakmalak.

Alakmalak is one firm that has been involved in several SEO projects. Their current SEO team always uses safe practices and never jeopardizes the reputation of a website in a whim to get on the top fast. With Alakmalak being one of the few companies with more than 2000 web development project in the past few years the are certainly to people to turn to when you need some actually good results that mean something.

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